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Day Care Centre

The Day Care Centre programme is project-based and supports an ethos of creative exchange and experimentation between the artist and the participants. The projects aim to be stimulating, enjoyable and culturally relevant to older people, frequenting the centres and lending towards a collaborative group approach. Projects may differ in the style of delivery, some adopting a short directive encounter, while others facilitate more extended engagement. The artists might work alone or collaboratively and intermittently themes that link and connect the participants in each location are used.

Follow the links below to learn more about projects that have taken place in the Day Care Centres across West Cork.

The Dunmanway Sessions

The Dunmanway Sessions

Blanket Stitch

Blanket Stitch

Bringing Art Home

Bringing Art Home

Where Everything is Music

Where Everything is Music

Museum of Making and Mending

Museum of Making and Mending

Secret Life of Things

Secret Life of Things

Unsung Heroes

Unsung Heroes

Advice To A Younger Generation

Advice To A Younger Generation



The Starling Song Project

The Starling Song Project