First brought together for a once off workshop as part of 110 Skibbereen Girls with Toma McCullim in 2018, for two years now, staff at Skibbereen…
Week 5 For this week of the Museum of Song postal project, we invited residents in the participating hospitals to think about something a bit…
Camilla Griehsel sings to residents and healthcare staff at West Cork Community Hospitals accompanied by Tess Leak on the cello from the hospital gardens in the June…
Frozen and Forgotten is the title of a project celebrating peoples personal connections with their bikes, initiated by artist Anne Harrington Rees working with participants…
Week 4 ‘Songs of the Land’ was the theme for this week of the Museum of Song postal project. We asked residents in the participating…
Great news from our Arts for Health partners at Cork Education and Training Board. Adult Education Officer for Cork Education Training and Board and member…
Week 3 For week 3 of the Museum of Song, parcels were again delivered to all participating hospitals and the theme for this week was…
The Bealtaine Festival takes place each May throughout Ireland and involves thousands of participants in every art form. The ancient festival of Bealtaine or Beltane…
April already seems distant, with the mood in May quite different with the hope of eased restrictions and a government Roadmap for our future, so…
Week 2 For Week 2, parcels were delivered to residents in Dunmanway, Schull and Skibbereen Community hospitals and St. Joseph’s Unit, Bantry. This time we…