Arts and Health Co-ordinators Ireland (AHCI) is a voluntary network of professionals who manage Arts and Health initiatives in Ireland. Formed on 6 March 2003, and today celebrates 20year anniversary.
A message from Justine Foster, Programme Manager at Uillinn (and the Arts for Health Partnership programme) member of Arts and Health Coordinators Ireland since, 2010 ‘A huge shout out to all my peers at Arts and Health Coordinators Ireland…thank you for being there as our local Arts and Health programme has developed here in West Cork over the last 20 years. Living and working in rural West Cork can be isolating, but with a nationwide group of supportive peers, it doesn’t feel that way, since joining in 2010, encourage by the then Director of Waterford Healing Arts Trust, Mary Grehan (now NCHG), – I’ve never looked back – it feels like we are working towards a common goal together’
AHCI was formed to build capacity and maximise resources for its membership through peer support and networking and to create clarity about the role and nature of arts and health practice in Ireland. Later on developing a role in advocacy to influence policy and funding environment for Arts and Health practice by advocating at local and national levels for the development of practice.
The 22 network members coordinate a range of Arts and Health activities, including environmental enhancement, visual art, sculpture, performance etc., participatory and collaborative arts practice, professional development for artists and staff, artist-in-residencies, health promotion and arts and health research.
Find our more about project and research undertaken by the Network HERE
‘I remember with great fondness working alongside Annette Moloney and the sub group on Dialogue Arts and Health and again at Tyrone Guthrie for our Away Day with 10 members to establish a Manifesto for Arts and Health in Ireland. Not an easy task, but one we took on together with great passion and conviction. More recently during my turn as Chairperson, it was great to welcome AHCI members to Uillinn for a day in West Cork. I look forward to many more progressive days of exploring ideas, sharing concerns and advocating for our work together…here’s to the next 20 years!’ A few select images taken along the way…’