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You are invited…Stories from the Well-field

An exceptionally moving premiere performance of ‘Stories from the Well-field’ took place today at St. Joseph’s Ward, Bantry General Hospital. Stories from the Well-Field is an interactive performance created by a a small group of residents in St. Joseph’s Ward, Bantry General Hospital in collaboration with artist Tess Leak, puppeteer Eoin Lynch and composers Justin Grounds and Darragh Kearns-Hayes and staff of the ward.

To share this incredible new work, supported through an Arts Council Arts Participation Project Award and the Arts for Health Partnership and Documentation Award, the artist-collective  and St. Joseph’s Activities Co-ordinator Sarah Cairns, will host an event at Uillinn for peers and interested public.

Set in a ‘Well-Field’ during a raucous Village Fair. The performers bring to life poems created by the hospital residents about childhood friends, kindness and a dancing moose-fur coat. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end…and to join in throughout!