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Read the sea like you read a book

Initiated as a remote project during 2021 ‘The Little Light Pocket Theatre’ took place place in several Community Hospitals across West Cork. In the autumn of 2022 it was the turn of Clonakilty Community Hospital, who recently re-opened their doors to welcome back artists  in person.

The Arts for Health Programme participants residing in two separate wards worked in parallel with with artists Sarah Ruttle & Sharon Dipity, the creators of ‘The Little Light Pocket Theatre’ .

Sharon describes, ‘Participants engaged with the project by exploring their ideas through drawing, print-making, poetry, song and story telling. Together translating stories into characters and scenes for a miniature theatre. Creating a story around the fishermen who ‘read the sea like you read a book’, ‘Paddy & Nancy’ the horses of the ploughing championships and the seagulls diving to the freshly ploughed field. All while the pilot in the aircraft uses his compass to find his way.’

The artists concluded the project this January 2022 and left a legacy of exhibited framed works for the residents and staff to remember and reflect on the joyous project that brought creativity back to the hospital.

Special thanks to HSE Wellbeing and Sheelagh Broderick & Mary Nolan, Elma Downey for supporting this creative engagement and making it possible. To Justin Grounds, Liz Clark, Dierdre Archibold, Sarah Ruttle and Sharon Dipity for commitment and hard work to bring arts and music back to the residents of Clonakilty Community Hospital.