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Return of Musical Coffee Mornings for Family Carers

musical instruments o a table during activities for carers

Our Musical Coffee Morning series for family carers, facilitated by Arts for Health musician Justin Grounds returns this Friday 1st March with activities for carers.

Activities for carers are taking place on the first Friday of every month, the morning get togethers offer an informal and relaxed opportunity to connect with other carers in the community and explore ways to bring music and creativity into our daily lives with those we care for.

Where and when?

These sessions will take place in The Samara Centre, Casement Street, Clonakilty.

Friday 1st March, 10:30am – 12pm

Friday 5th April, 10:30am – 12pm

Friday 3rd May, 10:30am – 12pm

Friday 7th June, 10:30am – 12pm

Friday 5th July, 10:30am – 12pm

Participation is free but booking is essential. To book your place or for more information, please email Justin at


Learn more about the Creative Carers programme  or call us on (028) 22090 or visit at West Cork Arts Centre