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Arts and Health Mapping Survey

On behalf of Arts + Health Co-ordinators Ireland, we would like to invite you to participate in our Arts and Health mapping survey. The aim of this survey is to measure the extent of Arts and Health activities in Ireland in 2019, with a view to supporting the development of Arts and Health practice and its integration into relevant policymaking at a national level.

As a professional working in the area of Arts and Health, your input in this survey will be invaluable. It is estimated that the survey will take 20 minutes to complete, though this may be longer if you work in multiple healthcare contexts.

Before beginning the survey, we would kindly ask you to consult with your programme / project partners to prevent duplicate responses (i.e. two people filling out the survey in relation to the same programme / project).

All data we collect will be treated confidentially. No personal or identifiable information will be shared with third parties without your explicit consent. The anonymous results will be published in an Arts and Health Mapping report later this year.

Please feel free to forward this to others who you know were managing Arts and Health projects in 2019.

Please complete the survey here:

The closing date for receipt of your response is 5pm Friday 30th October.