Great news from our Arts for Health partners at Cork Education and Training Board.
Adult Education Officer for Cork Education Training and Board and member of Arts for Health Steering Group, Teresa O’Sullivan, has arranged delivery of a limited number of tablets to our participating Community Hospitals. The tablets are preloaded with apps to support face to face conversation between our artists, hospital staff, residents and their families.
One of the new progjects the tablets will help support is ‘Radio Request’ with singer songwriter Liz Clark. Liz will be avaiailable ‘on call’ to residents who would like a 15min singing session, such as a performance of their favourite song to sing to or just listen to. Liz will call the hospitals on Tuesdays and Thursdays mornings to organise with staff where, when and who, with the tablet at the ready!
Feedback from the hospital staff after their first week ‘Thank you for the music session yesterday, it went down very well with the residents. The Ipad also connects to our big screen in the day room’ …’great take up on the Radio Request, another great initative from Arts for Health, thank you’
The tablets will be on loan until September to help the residents stay connected to both their families and the Arts programme while they are safe in their own rooms. Huge thank you to ETB for this fantastic support.