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Creative Workshop Series for Carers

CREATIVE CARERS at Uillinn is back for a third series in 2023. Artist Sarah Ruttle delivers six creative workshops for at home family carers on Wednesday evenings from 6:00pm to 7.30pm. The new term begins on 22 February and runs to 29 March. Previous attendees can come along for another term or you can start as new. The sessions are free to attend and no previous art experience is necessary.

Get in touch on 028 22090 or to book.

Taking inspiration from West Cork land and coast, artist Sarah Ruttle will support Creative Carer participants to make both; small delicate wire sculptures and ink/watercolour paintings. Taking one or both of these ways of making, each participant will be invited to work towards making a small handmade accordion book.

We will think about to best use each material to achieve what we want. Workshops will include tips on composition and construction. Creative exploration is encouraged within a relaxed and supportive space.

Guest artist Tess Leak will join the group for two sessions to introduce the wonderful poetic form that is ‘haiku’. These short, meditative poems will become part of the finished handmade books.

Tyrone born visual artist Sarah is a graduate of Textiles from DJCAD Dundee, Scotland. Working across disciplines she uses textiles, print and illustration. She has been working on the Arts for Health partnership programme since 2008. Sarah builds creative connections through a combination of making and storytelling, while using a multi-sensory approach.

Sarah is the recipient of several Awards including from Cork County Council, Creative Ireland and the Arts Council.

All images thanks to Sarah Ruttle