Long ago the last sheaf of corn or hay left standing in the field used to be brought into the house as a symbol of good luck and was kept there till the following year. As well as for feeding and bedding the animals, the hay was used to make súgán to tie down haystacks and for making bee hives.
With this old custom in mind, Arts for Health artists Bénédicte Coleman and Michael Greenlaw worked with members of Bantry Day Care Centre, over the last few weeks, to make corn dollies, crosses, mini stooks, lengths of súgán and thatched cottages.
At this time of the year the ditches are usually full of blackberries – ideal for making apple and blackberry jam. The group also made an ink – by simply mashing up the blackberries with a fork. All the members then used this purple ink to draw small pictures.
The work was brought together by Bénédicte and Michael and is on display at the entrance to Bantry Day Care Centre.