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Behind the Closed Door

Arts for Health participants recently completed an art installation in St Joseph’s Unit in Bantry which is both creative and practical, making an artwork for a glass door which divides the residents’ day room and the palliative care room balcony, allowing some extra privacy. ‘I always look at it. It’s lovely and clever!’ decribed a resident involved in its creation.

Participants worked in collaboration with artist Sarah Ruttle, taking their inspiration from nature, evolving seasons and the circle of life. Using some different approaches and techniques participants explored stories and ideas through collage, watercolour, sculpture and shadow drawing. 

Drawing the shadows cast underneath nests participants had made formed the base of the group design, while the shadow drawings of swirling water during a session made the sea within the piece! Participants had the opportunity to work on the layout of their drawings on the door, with conversations around colour which was to be added or taken away and what to include or exclude from the collection of ideas. 

The piece was installed one early morning while the space was unoccupied and as the installation was being completed one participant who had contributed to the piece arrived to see it. Sarah said ‘It was a special moment as they saw the result of our making journey, with their response full of joy and pride.’ 

Following the installation of the work a participants commented, ‘It is beautiful, it’s just about enough.’


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